医院名:医療法人真理恵会 田中彰クリニック 
住所:〒224-0003 神奈川県横浜市都筑区 中川中央1-37-9 TNKビル2F 



Our Measures under the Declaration of a State of Emergency due to COVID-19

  • Outpatient services continue as usual.
    (consultation hours can be shortened following the situation)
  • Please Give us a Call when you or your family have any symptoms (Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath, Loss of Smell and Taste, diarrhea, etc.).
  • If you or your family have these symptoms, please do not enter the gate, give us a call first.
  • Please come to our clinic alone (without your family or friends) during the situation under the Declaration of State of Emergency.
  • Please let us know if you had close contact with person who came from overseas lately.

We should fight together against COVID-19.

Thank you for your cooperation.

April 8, 2020
